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Arkè for the environment
To the Origins of Love

Arkè and Nature

Arkè is aware that the territory is its most important and unique resource. For this reason we preserve and protect our territory by drawing on sustainable energy resources.
Since 2008 the company has implemented two photovoltaic installations: the first one of 20 Kw,the second one of 40 Kw installed in 2012.

Both are totally integrated with our facilities and are capable of satisfying more than 100% of the whole production cycle’s energy requirements. Arkè and Nature is a tie as unbreakable as the one that binds this territory and our products.

Since 2015 our production chain has become more eco-friendly thanks to the expulsion of the solid waste products of the olive milling process (hazel and pulp). The hazel, excellent woody fuel, is used to heat the facilities. The pulp/flesh, instead, is sent to a nearby power station (located just 30 km away from our company) that produces Biogas..

36.960 kg less Carbon dioxide pollute the environment every year. A total of 739.200 kg of CO2 since the plant installation. Sustainable energy resources have allowed us to avoid using 15.708 kg of oil for year; 314.160 kg of oil saved since the plant installation.

PSR Sicilia 2014/2020 - Sottomisura 4.2 - CUP G54H17000870007
Sostegno a investimenti a favore della trasformazione/commercializzazione
e/o dello sviluppo dei prodotti agricoli

PO FESR Sicilia 2014/2020 - Azione 3.4.2 - CUP G56J18000080004
Incentivi all'acquisto di servizi di supporto all'internazionalizzazione
Il progetto mira a consolidare la presenza sui mercati internazionali attraverso un'adeguata
comunicazione e la partecipazione ai maggiori eventi fieristici nei Paesi di riferimento.

Olio Arkè e Natura di Diliberto Salvatore E. M. & C. S.A.S.
C.da Grotta D'Acqua snc - 93100 Serradifalco (CL)
Informativa erogazioni pubbliche ex art.1, c.125-bis, L.124/2017


Olio Extravergine d'oliva ArkèArkè Classico Olio Extravergine d'oliva Biologico ArkèArkè Bio Olio Extravergine d'oliva KoraKora Olio Extravergine d'oliva Arkè IGP SiciliaArkè IGP Sicilia Aromatizzati ArkèFlavoured olive oils